Saturday, February 28, 2009

Commander Christian

So here's a story as imagined by Christian. Commander Cody played by Christian. Princess Amidala - Erika. Photos - Yours Truly.

Alone, Commander Cody is dropped off by a troop transport and attacks Ziro the Hutt's lair. It is his mission, and his mission alone to save Princess Amidala from Ziro's clutches. Out numbered 10 to 1 by battle droids, Cody jumps from building to building picking them off one by one.

Having dispatched the tenth battle droid, he moves toward Ziro's lair. He is cautious, taking cover where he can find it, surveying the landscape in front of him for more battle droids. He hears the air move above him and sees a surveillance droid almost directly overhead. He turns and shoots it square in the center, likely disabling all of its comm links. Did he fire before the droid transmitted his position? He could not wait to find out.

Cody runs inside the lair and finds Amidala sinking into Ziro's private quicksand pond. "Behind you!" Amidala screams. He turns to see Ziro bearing down on him with his blaster. Cody spins. They both shoot. Ziro is struck in the midsection while Cody's thigh suffers a glancing blow. Ziro shrieks and ducts away. Cody is hurt but focuses. He pulls Amidala to safety while scanning the door. Is Ziro dead? Or is he merely lying in wait? He looks out the window and sees the coward Ziro speeding away.

Satisfied with his rescue of Amidala, he surveys the landscape from atop the lair. A transport has just arrived. He is tired and needs a rest, but he cannot stay. If the surveillance droid pegged him, then more battle droids would be arriving shortly. He must move Amidala before they arrive. He boards the transport and stands near the large door. The sun is setting. He hopes he never has to return to Ziro's lair again.

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