Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lego Star Wars Hoth Rebel Trooper

Lego Star Wars Hoth Rebel Trooper. Say that three times fast. Now try and build it for Halloween. Not so easy, is it? If you have to ask what a Hoth Rebel Trooper is then you're not my friend.

Christian and I had a blast building this costume. Okay, I mostly built it and he ran circles in the garage. Here's a pic of the real thing.

Not only do they look similar, Christian moves about as easy as the real minifig - you have to pick him up and place him where you want him.

It's hard to imagine a seven year old running around all Hallow's Eve in such a restrictive costume so Heather made a second matching soft version which goes underneath the foam version. Yeah, Heather's cool like that. I'll debut it tomorrow.

And compare that face to the minifig. The eyes, the smile - we tried to make a perfect replica but Christian is, hands down, more handsome than the original.

And the gun? Remember, you can see how I molded that from a silicon mold in black acrylic plastic here.

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