Friday, October 3, 2008

Never Really Been A Fan

I read that Criss Angel's new Las Vegas stage show bombed. He Cirqued-the-show-up creating a bad mix of schlock magic and annoying theater. Cirque du Soleil used to be a unique, interesting theatrical side show that was only shown under the big top. Then Vegas grabbed ahold and placed a Cirque show on every corner of the strip. Even the corn dog crowd began to say "enough." Criss jumped on the Cirque bandwagon just after the wheels fell off. Now if only his television show could disappear. I can only stomach a few minutes of that show at a time, and every time I've watched it I've seen cuts, recuts, and dozens of stooges pretending to be amazed. Its criminal to shoot a nice trick (yes I said "trick" instead of "illuuuusion") and catch the audience's genuine surprise, and then re-shoot and re-do the trick to make it look better for post-production. As for me, I prefer "real magic", the kind that can be performed live in person, in a parlour, or on a stage. Magic needs an infusion of sophistication. Need some guidance? It doesn't get much better than Channing Pollock, Norm Nielson, or Dale Salwak. Put your tuxes back on guys, and show some class again.

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