Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Go To Bed Already

Christian and Erika have always been good at going to bed. They're great sleepers too. But like vampires they come alive at night. At least vampires stop when you drive a stake through their hearts. Not so with our two Lucha Libre stars. The darker it gets the more they run, chase, and bump into each other. Meanwhile, our energy levels are plummeting. Christian has lifted the lyrics from "Last Day of Magic" and labeled Erika "little tornado" while calling himself "little hurrican-o", and the hours between 6 and 8 p.m. are official disaster zones. Oh, you think reading a bedtime story might calm them down? By the second page they're tickling each other until someone loses their breath. By page three someone is in a wrestling hold. Thank goodness they can drag themselves to bed because we can barely lift a finger by the end of the story.

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