Christian ran upstairs, grabbed a pencil and a stack of paper, and then disappeared. Erika came up a bit later with a wide grin on her face and bragged "We're watching the news, just like you." Heather and I collectively thought "Oh great, now you can be as depressed as we are."

Heather went downstairs and saw mini-Woodward and mini-Bernstein engrossed in the day's headlines. Heather intervened and said "Hey, uh, you don't have to watch the news, watch some cartoons." Too late. Christian adjusted his hat, bit down a little harder on his cigar and mumbled "Not now, Ma. Gotta a deadline to meet."

Tomorrow I'm going to outfit our little Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane with one of my old Polaroid cameras (the one with actual flash bulbs, yep, I've got one of those), a flip notebook, and a pencil sharpened down to its nub and put them on the most pressing issue of the day - who left the Hostess wrapper in our front yard.
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