Thursday, May 20, 2010

ERA at the NPRA

In order to foster Christian's future career as an intergalactic bounty hunter we've purchased the world's best collection of lasers, blasters, sabers, and electronic tutu guns. His plastic arsenal is enough to wipe off every annoying Ewok from the second moon of Endor. Snark Snark.

I found an old Atari pistol at the Salvation Army and decided to re-purpose it. However, Christian's gun cabinet was full. So, in the name of Equal Rights, I painted it pink and white, bejeweled it with genuine plastic power crystals, and presented it to Erika. Erika loved it. She said, "Thanks dad", then dropped it on the ground and played with her stuff animals.

Whoa sister, careful where you point that! The red LED from RadioShack can do some serious damage. I've enrolled Erika in the National Plastic Rifle Association for a six-week course on blaster safety. She's learning some of the fundamentals such as:
1. Know your target and what's beyond it,
2. Wear eye protection, and
3. Store blasters so they are not accessible to children.
Okay, ignore that last rule.

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