Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valen-Birth-A-Tino-Day

The Nelson's Season of Celebration has come to an end. We celebrate all of our birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Valentines Day within the space of three months. The last week includes my birthday, Heather's birthday, and Valentines Day. By February 14th we barely have enough energy to untie the bows on our gifts. However, this year we had a special guest - Cardboard Liberace! He was a splash at the party but now he just stands in a corner. Its a little startling to wake up in the morning, stumble into the next room, and see the figure of a man standing in your home. In a nano-second, your basal ganglia snaps to attention and says "A man should not be standing there." A tiny shot of adrenaline hits you just as your frontal cortex says "Relax, its just Cardboard Liberace.

I'm a big fan of Berkley Illustration's series of animals dressed in clothing. www.etsy.com/shop/berkleyillustration. All prints are signed, numbered, and very affordable. I couldn't wait until Easter to give these to Heather.

Heather bought Taschen's Magic, 1800s to 1950s. This picture doesn't do the book justice. It is enormous. Six-hundred and fifty pages of full color vintage posters, photographs and handbills. Christian struggled just a little to hold it up for the photo. www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/popculture/all/00378/facts.magic_1400s1950s.htm

Heather decorated these gems for Valentines Day. They measure nearly four inches across. Christian handed them out to his class. By the way, stock up on your old Sweetheart's Valentine Candy. After 145 years, they changed the flavoring and the recipe. Now they come in fruit flavors. What a terrible idea. www.necco.com/OurBrands/Default.asp?BrandID=8

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